MWA color picture The Ministry of Music and Worship Arts plans and produces purposeful and spiritual Christian worship experiences at our three Sunday morning worship services and at additional special services, concerts and other programs throughout the year. Through our mostly volunteer efforts we find ways to praise God through the lively arts.

On a regular basis numerous volunteers give of their time and talents in specialty areas which include the performing arts, fine arts, hospitality, technology, public speaking and more. We are always ready to welcome new members to our ensembles or to any of the volunteer groups that make our services special. You are invited to be in touch with any of the contact persons listed if you have questions or wish to be a part of our Ministry of Music and Worship Arts.


Vocal Ensembles

Children’s Choir – Members are age 3 by October 1-5th grade.

Youth Choir – Members are in grades 6-12.

Chancel Choir – Members are adults and older teens.

Handbell Ensembles

Carol Bells – Members are in grades 2-5

Chancel Bells – Members are adults and teens.

Youth Bells – Members are in grades 6-12.



All of our worship services depend heavily on the work of our volunteer Tech Crew Members. Each service is scripted and presented cue-by-cue using computers and audio equipment. We are always happy to hear from folks who have an interest in these areas. Contact Andy Glascott to learn about training and available time slots.

Visual Arts

The creation of altar paraments, banners and other worship space decoration is an on-going project.


Each week a committed and dedicated group of people, women and men, old and young perform tasks that make our services and our worship spaces inviting and hospitable.

In-Worship Volunteers

We keep in-worship volunteers busy with a variety of duties that involve communion servers, ushers, scripture readers, children’s moment, and Acolytes. If you are interested in volunteering, contact the pastor.