We’re so grateful for the generosity of so many people who financially support the mission and vision of Mt. Pisgah. Your support allows us to partner with God and help feed the hungry, provide help to those dealing with natural disasters, spread the gospel in Cambodia through our sponsorship of our missionary, teach our children about Jesus, and so much more.

Many of you give when we pass the offering plates and that’s great – you can keep doing that. However, we would like to encourage you to consider automating your giving. Our church website allows you to create an account and set up regular, recurring contributions. Online giving is safe and secure. It’s a great way to be intentional about honoring God and being generous.

We now have a new way to give. You can text your donation to either the Ministry Fund and/or the Mortgage and Maintenance Fund
(Please see below the specific instructions to text.)

You can honor your pledge or give unpledged money in several ways:

  • Place your check in the offering plate during worship
  • Mail your check to the church
  • Make your donation on our website.
  • Set up an automatic withdrawal on a weekly or monthly basis through our website. To set up an account click here.
  • Create an ACH (Automated Clearing House) account so your giving can be debited from your checking account and sent directly to the church (no more checks have to be written). Contact Barbara Hurt, Database Coordinator, at 794-5856 x231 or data@mtpisgahva.org to obtain the form to set up the ACH account through the Virginia United Methodist Credit Union
  • Text your donation to the Ministry Fund
    Text to 804-294-3493
    In the message, type amount you want to give, space, and then type ministry. Vanco (the company we work with for the give+text) will then text you back to get your credit card information.
  • Text your donation to the Mortgage and Maintenance Fund
    Text to 804-294-3493
    In the message, type amount you want to give, space, and then type mortgage. Vanco will then text you back to get your credit card information.

Thank you for your generosity! Your giving matters and it makes an eternal difference!

Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.
                                                                                                                                              1 Timothy 6:17-18